Wednesday, January 22, 2014 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

What I've been listening to lately.

I decided that I would mention some artist's I've been listening to lately. There is of course so many more but these are just some albums that I have been putting on repeat for the last month or so.

Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
First off is Arctic Monkeys. Now you would think that I've been listening to their new album but for some reason I've drifted from that album to this one because It is my second favorite Arctic Monkeys album. My all time favorite is 'Suck it and See' but for some odd reason I have been drifted to this one for the month.

 Second of this month is Rooney! I've been listening to this band since this album came out in 2003 but just recently repurchased it and my goodness I've been listening to them non-stop!! When I go out for my morning walk, when I'm cleaning, and When I'm running errands. I love rediscovering an old band and this is one that I'm so glad that I did.

Generationals - Trust EP
Now I actually have a pretty cool story on how I started listening to this band. It first starts off with a band called 'Mates of State'. I first heard 'Mates of State' on David Letterman, It just happened to be on and I thought "Wow, this band is really good!". Then Kori Gardner from 'Mates of State' and Sharon Foo from 'The Raveonettes' did an Interview with each other on Twitter and I've been in love with 'The Raveonettes' for the past 7 years so this made me even more interested in 'Mates of State'. It so happened that less then a week later that my local record store was giving free tickets to go see 'Mates of State' if you bought there album. Which of course I did and gets me to the point of where I first heard the 'Generationals'. They were the opening band to 'Mates of State'. I was in awe of them, I seriously fell in love at the first song. I've been obsessed with them ever since that day, I even got to meet the singer in the front of the El Rey Theater that day. But I love that store because if it wasn't for all this incidents I wouldn't have even heard of this band that I am oh so obsessed with. But just FYI, this EP is amazing, It seems so happy and as soon as you hear it you'll have a smile on your face.

Metric - Synthetica
Last but definitely not least is Metric!! I just started listening to this album but my goodness, It is filled with every type of song, every kind of emotion. It's like it is telling a story through its ups and downs and I absolutely adore Emily Haines voice. This is a must listen to, so if you ever have the time, get this album!! Actually, just get there music, Now that is a must!!

Well that was it, Thanks for reading.
Have a happy Wednesday!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 in , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mini Hot Topic Haul

Hello Friends, Welcome back.
During Christmas time I apparently shopped a lot at Hot Topic and didn't even notice. I ended up with about 3 $15 Hot Topic cash coupons. But I really don't shop at Hot Topic anymore so I gave 2 of them away and only ended up using one sadly. I couldn't see anything else worth buying, and 2 of the items weren't even for me. But anyway lets get to the good stuff.

Mini Hot Topic Haul.
I told you I really didn't end up getting much at all, But I still wanted to share with you what I got. 

First and foremost I got this David Bowie shirt. Just look at it!! Isn't it the most beautiful shirt You've ever seen??? Hahaha, well I just had to get it as soon as I saw it. I didn't really see any other ones I was really interested in besides the Jimi Hendrix shirts but they didn't have my size and I was absolutely devastated!! But Bowie sure made up for it. I have another Bowie shirt which is a Ziggy Stardust one, but everyone seems to hate it since black with a bright Orange Bowie on it. But now I have a new amazing creation of a shirt!

Keep Calm, I'm The Doctor.
Now these buttons weren't for me but I do find them absolutely adorable. My cousins are really into Doctor Who, They have really been trying to get me to watch it but I want to finish/catch up on Supernatural first. I only have 1 & 1/2 seasons left to go till I'm finally caught up. But as soon as I'm done I'm going on to Doctor Who!

Oh but by the way, They did Love them!

Supernatual... What more can I say!
Okay... So it's about that time that I started to admit that I am obsessed with Supernatural. Now you may thing "How can someone be obsessed with Supernatural?" Well it's possible and I am hooked. I started watching it when it first came out in 2005. I used to watch it with my Mom cause I had to be about 12 when it first came out but I loved it then and love it even more now! First of all the Winchester brothers are gorgeous, Castiel is hilarious, Bobby is just so sweet with the boys and I'm just in aww in how good that show is but anyway back to the Key Chain right? With all that info you could understand why I wanted this so bad!

Party On Tardis.
Now this I didn't actually purchase and Honestly I didn't even get this the same day. During the holidays I took notice on these and my Mom used to get the leftover Band ones from record store when they would through them out. So I figured I would call and ask after christmas when they would be getting rid of these I called about every other day till about a week after New Years then I finally forgot. Then something made me remember and I called. They said they were getting rid of them that day and that if i wanted to come in and get them that I could. So I hoped on over there and got about 4 of them. 2 for my cousins, 1 for there aunt, which actually got them into Doctor Who, and then 1 for myself because these little guys are just to cute to not have one for yourself. I'm so glad I was able to get them!

That was my haul/ Mini Hot Topic adventures with you. I hope you enjoyed seeing what I purchase there.

Have a Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, January 20, 2014 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

My Life in Pictures 01/13 - 01/19

Hello again!
Long time no see right? It's only been about 8 months but that's okay. Well anyway, I want to start blogging again. I figured I'd start with daily pictures from my week. I enjoyed elycia's daily pictures so much that I wanted to start my own, a little late I know but still. Well anyway I'll get on with the pictures.

Rooney on the brain.
January 13th, 2014: I've been listening to a lot of Rooney lately, like a lot! When I go for walks, when I'm cooking, cleaning, running errands. Just about anytime of the day I'm listening to them.
Dinosaur Sandwiches for the win.
January 14th, 2014: This photo pretty much sums up what my brother and I have been eating for the past week or so for lunch. I've been on a peanut butter craze lately. Don't ask me why... I just have.
My Baby Girl.
January 15th 2014: My poor doggy Pita needs a hair cut, and since the holidays are over I can pay more attention to my fur child, she's been needing a lot of it lately, And I love spending time with her anyway so I don't mind at all.
Rainbow Brite.
January 16th, 2014: My friends came over on Thursday and we hung out in my backyard and had a pizza date. It was really fun, now that we're older we don't get to hang out as much but when we do it's an awesome time.
Best Friends
January 17th, 2014: My little brother has just started taking an interest into characters lately so Elmo is of course on that list.
Movie Date.
January 18th, 2014: The weather has been so nice at night that when my cousins came over we had pizza and watched a movie in the backyard.

Adventures with my dorks.
January 19th 2014: I took my cousins to Claremont Village. Nothing gets more perfect than Comic Book, Record, Folk Music and Old Book stores.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013 in , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Memorial Day Weekend

His face expressions in the back are just to funny! ha
My Memorial Day weekend was a lot of fun, On Saturday my little cousins came over and we went to Shakey's for pizza to go see our other cousin. Then Sunday came along and I went thrift shopping and found some really cool things, well cool in my eyes ha. Monday I kind of just hung out at home, we did go to get Ice Cream and I got the cutest picture of my brother with the best Ice Cream mustache!
My little cousin Mikey
Soo the thing is I went to Shakey's right but I forgot to take pictures since I was having so much fun! Silly me right? But anyway while we were there I realized I didn't have any cash so I saw there was a bank practically right across the street so I told my cousin (who is 15 and to cool for Shakey's) that I needed to go to the bank so I forced him to come with me. We walked over there and on our way back we he saw a Starbucks and said "Oh, Can we get Starbucks!" and Me being obsessed with Tea said of course but we couldn't go back with it since our Family was there. So we literally sat on a curb (explaining the picture above) and drank our drinks but while we sat there this man walking his husky came by (I have an obsession with Animals!) and I was telling him how gorgeous his dog was. We had a full on 20 minute convo with the man that we totally forgot how long we were gone for! There was no point to that little story I just though it was interesting what things can happen if you have little adventures on the side of everything.
And just in case you were interested I got the Passion Fruit Lemonade and Kid got the Mocha Cookie Crumble!
Skull Piggy Bank: $2:50
Bag of Ribbon: $0.70
Conan Shirt: $1.00
Camera Bag: $2.50
I honestly went to 4 different Thrift Stores and got 1 thing from each ha. The skull was for my Uncle just because when I saw it I though of him. The ribbon is of course for me cause I love to craft. The Conan shirt was for my best Friend Yaritza since she is obsessed with Conon O' Brien. And the Camera case was for my camera since I didn't have one for my camera yet. I had a lot of fun looking through everything and trying to find little treasures for myself and others.
P.S I've also found this drink that I am now in love with!!
Perfect Ice Cream Mustache right there!!!
I thought this photo was so cute! I love how perfect the ice cream mustache looks on
the left of him! Oh My Glob!! So much cuteness!!
Here is the aftermath of that photo!
Birdie Bird in Pita's bed.
My Grandma had to clean out Birdie's cage so I told her she could keep her in my room. She just stood there and really didn't fly around much. But she did seem to like Pita's bed a lot. I just felt bad because Pita wanted to come in and I couldn't let her. But no worries, I made it up to her by giving her treats!
What did you guys do for Memorial Day Weekend? BBQ's? Friends? Family? Tell me!

Friday, May 24, 2013 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Old Friends & Thrifting

Yesterday I got to hang out with my old friend Barbie, We went to school together and the last time I saw her was for our Graduation last November. She told me she was pregnant and I was so happy for her! I couldn't believe it. But now she is 8 months pregnant with a baby boy on the way due July 10th!! Oh My Glob, I'm still in disbelief and she told me 6 months ago!! haha
I'm such a giant compared to all my friends! There all so tiny!
It was so nice getting to talk to her and catch up. I really missed her but life gets so busy with a baby around. I give a lot of props to all the stay at home Mom's because honestly its not easy! It takes a lot of hard work and PATIENCE. Boy does it take a lot of patience especially when they start crawling/walking around and getting into EVERYTHING! But anyway getting back on the subject, I'm just so glad I got a chance to see her before the baby gets here! I'm so excited to meet him and can hardly wait for him to get here! Anthony will have a new play date now, when he gets a little older of course. Ha.
8 Months Pregnant! Still looking Beautiful. She's just all belly!

But Today was a different Story! 
I went to a few thrift stores today and ended up getting some cute children/baby books. I saw a lot of other cute/fun things but weren't good enough to spend money on or they were things I really didn't need. But I figured book for the baby was a good idea since I love reading to him.
These were a little more for me but who cares, I'm the one that's going to be reading to him anyway right? ha
These were more for the baby. I think Oswald is one of the cutest shows ever! so I got him a few Oswald books and the Disney ones with the paws on them are just more of learning books that I though were adorable.
There was a sale at my local thrift store that was buy one get one free of equal or lesser price on children's books so I only spent $4.85 for all these! I was so happy!
I also got this book here but there was no price on it so the man said I could have it for free since I already bough so many books! It's just a little plastic type book for when he plays in the tub! I love to read in the bath maybe he does to? ha
I also went to Wal Mart on my way home and got a few more goodies cause who can help but to check out goodies!
Tie Dye Kit: $7.00
Kabuki Brush: $3.93
Wet N Wild Polishes: $0.00
Music Note Fabric: $.99
I always check out the clearance sections so that's where I found the Tie Dye kit. I wanted to make a Tie Dye Tote bag so maybe I'll do a DIY blog on that? Hmmm... But anyway I got the Kabuki Brush for My Mom because I've been looking for one but there pretty pricy but who can beat $3.93? The Wet N Wild nail polishes I got for free since I had a coupon. I figure I could use the clear for fraying fabric and the other colors are for my Momma bear. The music note fabric I found in the left over fabric bin at Wal Mart and it didn't have a price so they gave it to me for $.99 I was so excited!
I just realized I haven't posted a Picture of Anthony yet!! Oh My Glob!!
Here he is making a mess in my room today!

Anyway I think I'll just relax for the rest of the night cuddle up with my
doggy and listen to some Pink Floyd!


Thursday, May 23, 2013 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Average Wednesday.

His Hair is growing !!!!
Hello!! My day was pretty average. I got to spend some more quality
time with my Mom, coupon and of course hang out with my little brother.
Sport Sunscreen: $1.49 each
Kids Sunscreen: $1.49 each
Mott's for Tots: $0.99
Brita Water Bottles: $1.89 each
Pretzels: $1.00 each
Fruttare: $1.25 each
M&M's: $1.16 each
Pencil Sharpener: $0.37
Flip Flops: $0.00
Lay's Chips: $1.50 each
Schick Hydro Shave Gel: $1.25
Shick Hydro Silk Razors: $2.99 each
Crystal Light: $1.49 each
My Grandma ended up forgetting something at target so
 I went with her and got two more things
Fruttare: $1.25
Flip Flops: $0.00
Thanks to & I found out about A LOT of these deals!
The total price of everything regular priced would have been $105.06 but thanks to sales it brought it down to $99.13. I saved a total of $56.75 with coupons and got $10 back in target gift cards. I also saved $1.62 by using a target red card! But all in all I saved $74.30 and only paid $30.76!!
Thank goodness for coupons!
My love bug loves being outside but gets into EVERYTHING so I figured I would put
 him in his play pen and he still loved it! Can't you tell by his tiny smile :)
Other than my couponing I got to spend some more time with my mom since she got two days off in a row. We hung out in the backyard again. She read her book (Dragonfly in Amber) while I played with the baby. She is really enjoying her book and it makes me want to start reading again. I have like a stack of books (The Reader, Hobbit, Perks of Being A Wallflower & The Great Gatsby) sitting on my nightstand collecting dust. I should just try and start while the baby takes his naps right?
My dog being... well my dog!
My brother really LOVES our dog pita but she's already 8 years old and can get a little feisty. Especially since she was the baby before he got here! She literally was so spoiled! What do I mean was, I mean IS! But anyway They are getting along pretty well lately, He grabbed her by her hair the other day since he doesn't really know not to and she didn't do anything. She just waited for me to come and save her and she just licked him. I'm so glad she's getting used to him. It was a little hard at first for both of us but how can you not love that little munchkin right?
Anyway, I think I'll listen to some Wavves while on Tumblr then head off to bed since I have to be up early to get to the DMV. I figured I'm 20 already I should have a California ID already! Alrighty Night!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy 40th Momma!!!

Happy Birthday to my one and only Momma Bear! I love you with all my heart and so much more.
Your my Sun, Moon, & Stars and always will be!
 Today marks a special day in my calendar! It's my mothers BIRTHDAY!! She turned 40 today. I'm so glad my Brother and I got to spend the day with her! It was amazing, I didn't have much money so with the little money I did have I bought stuff to make My mom an Ice Cream Pie :)) Mmmmmm.

We ended up having a Mini pool party in our backyard!
We set up my brothers tiny pool and I set out blankets for My Mom and I. \
My Grandma decided we would have a BBQ, So she made macaroni salad while my
Uncle barbecued the bacon wrapped hot dogs and corn.   

I'm super obsessed with Dinosaurs so a couple of years ago my Mom got me these Dino
eggs for my Easter basket. I found them in the garage the other day and decided Anthony
could play with them in the pool! They worked out perfect since the float and are so cute and colorful!!!

My Grandma and Pita on the swing! My two old ladies.
It honestly was the perfect day. I couldn't ask for a better family cause honestly I think mine is pretty rad!
While Anthony was in the pool my Mom and I just relaxed. She read her book (Dragonfly in Amber) while I searched the internet for cute Doc Martens. Which are all cute so it's not hard to do haha. We painted our toes, talked and just got to spend some quality time together. I really missed her and I'm super duper glad we got to hang out.
It was to warm to turn our oven on and wanted to make my Mom something special! So I made an Ice Cream Pie using Birthday Cake ice cream from target, graham cracker crust, cool whip, fresh strawberries, and SPRINKLES!! Because what kind of birthday would it be if it didn't have sprinkles?!?!?! haha
I love you MOM and I hope you had the best Birthday EVER! Your the most gorgeous 40 year old I've ever met and I can't believe I have you as my Momma! Your the reason I'm the silly outgoing person I am today and I'm so grateful to have you in my life! I love you Momma bear!