Wednesday, January 22, 2014 in , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

What I've been listening to lately.

I decided that I would mention some artist's I've been listening to lately. There is of course so many more but these are just some albums that I have been putting on repeat for the last month or so.

Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
First off is Arctic Monkeys. Now you would think that I've been listening to their new album but for some reason I've drifted from that album to this one because It is my second favorite Arctic Monkeys album. My all time favorite is 'Suck it and See' but for some odd reason I have been drifted to this one for the month.

 Second of this month is Rooney! I've been listening to this band since this album came out in 2003 but just recently repurchased it and my goodness I've been listening to them non-stop!! When I go out for my morning walk, when I'm cleaning, and When I'm running errands. I love rediscovering an old band and this is one that I'm so glad that I did.

Generationals - Trust EP
Now I actually have a pretty cool story on how I started listening to this band. It first starts off with a band called 'Mates of State'. I first heard 'Mates of State' on David Letterman, It just happened to be on and I thought "Wow, this band is really good!". Then Kori Gardner from 'Mates of State' and Sharon Foo from 'The Raveonettes' did an Interview with each other on Twitter and I've been in love with 'The Raveonettes' for the past 7 years so this made me even more interested in 'Mates of State'. It so happened that less then a week later that my local record store was giving free tickets to go see 'Mates of State' if you bought there album. Which of course I did and gets me to the point of where I first heard the 'Generationals'. They were the opening band to 'Mates of State'. I was in awe of them, I seriously fell in love at the first song. I've been obsessed with them ever since that day, I even got to meet the singer in the front of the El Rey Theater that day. But I love that store because if it wasn't for all this incidents I wouldn't have even heard of this band that I am oh so obsessed with. But just FYI, this EP is amazing, It seems so happy and as soon as you hear it you'll have a smile on your face.

Metric - Synthetica
Last but definitely not least is Metric!! I just started listening to this album but my goodness, It is filled with every type of song, every kind of emotion. It's like it is telling a story through its ups and downs and I absolutely adore Emily Haines voice. This is a must listen to, so if you ever have the time, get this album!! Actually, just get there music, Now that is a must!!

Well that was it, Thanks for reading.
Have a happy Wednesday!!

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